
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
The Lighter Side of Law Enforcement with Thin Blue Scribble
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to speak with Liv, the creative genius behind Thin Blue Scribble and the first foreign officer I've had the chance to interview. Liv schooled me on how our Canadian brothers and sisters work, and talked to me about her comic strip, Thin Blue Scribble. Thin Blue Scribble is one more way that a good cop is trying to give a glimpse behind the badge. Liv's art packs plenty of humour (see that, I used "ou" like they do in Canada) along with more than a few instances of the stark reality of our chosen careers. I've been so US-centric on this show, that I never put much thought into policing in other countries. I am happy to see that cops in Canada have very similar experiences to us US cops. Should you ever find yourself in Canada, buy a cop a hot cup of coffee from Tim Horton's, swap patches, and let them know they've got the support of their teammates in America.
Support Liv by heading over to her Instagram page @thinbluescribble, and while you're at it, grab a mug featuring some of her art from the online shop!

Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Every so often you meet someone who makes you think "wow...I need to do more with my life." Kristen is no exception. Kristen began her career as a forensics tech, and then became a sworn officer for the same agency. I asked Kristen to educate me on what being a female officer was like, and what challenges she's faced. Kristen then dove into her experiences with the Police Unity Tour - a grueling bike ride of nearly 300 miles. If that isn't enough for her never-say-die attitude, Kristen also repeatedly completes Spartan Race Trifectas (5k, 10k, 21k races) and will soon be competing in The Tactical Games!
I got dehydrated just typing all of that.
Show your support for Kristen on her IG page @kristenmariefit_13
Shout out to the 100 Club of Illinois!

Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Within five minutes of talking with TTPOA reps Derrick and Branden, I knew this was going to be a fun conversation - and we had a name for this episode.
I had the pleasure of sitting down (via Zoom) with Derrick and Branden of the Texas Tactical Police Officers Association. Derrick and Branden have each spent well over a decade (nearly two!) as SWAT officers in Texas. Derrick and Brandon both have a high drive to bring excellent training to officers all across the state. Speaking with them, their passion for the work they do was very evident.
Check out their podcast, The TTPOA Podcast, on all major platforms.
Also find them on Instagram @ttpoa and @theregion7_
To learn more about TTPOA, and to find their training calendar and store, go to www.ttpoa.org. TTPOA's SWAT competition is this coming October, and their conference is in April of 2022!

Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Down the rabbit hole with Chris Palmer of 532 Insight
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
I had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with USMC vet and 22-year police officer Chris Palmer from 532 Insight last night. We cracked open a new bottle of Horse Soldiers Bourbon and chased the rabbit as far as we could for three hours. Chris' police career has encompassed patrol, NET, and SWAT. Chris now serves as a training officer for the new recruits coming through the academy. Chris has some awesome ideas on how police departments can hire better candidates and retain officers and we both agree that "the way we've always done it" is the most frustrating phrase in existence.
Stand by for a second episode with Chris down the line!
Find Chris on Instagram @532insightllc and look for his training courses soon!
![Hi[story] time Ep. 1 - LAPD CRASH](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/7881957/White_Logo_Modern_Cop_Podcast_q3kkve_300x300.jpg)
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Hi[story] time Ep. 1 - LAPD CRASH
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Few specialty units carry an infamous reputation like CRASH (Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums). CRASH existed from 1979 to 2000. During it's lifespan, CRASH officers were embattled in cover-ups, murders, and the Rampart Scandal. While many CRASH officers were doing the right work for the right reasons, their commitment to making LA a safer city was overshadowed by controversy.
Units like CRASH still have a place in modern policing. At the end of this episode, I take a few minutes to discuss the validity of specialized units used to combat unique problems.
This is the first episode of Hi[story] Time on Blue Line Millennial. The goal of these short episodes is to talk about the history of policing, which is not something regularly discussed outside of police academies. It's important for us to learn our history, because history can show us what went right and what went wrong. As officers entrusted with the care and safety of the public, it's pivotal we learn from our past to be better in the future.
Episodes about specific incidents or units, such as this, will likely be much shorter than episodes about broad topics such as the London Metropolitan Police.
Do you have a historical police topic you want covered? DM me on Instagram or email me at bluelinemillennial@gmail.com!
Stay safe! I'll see you on the road.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
A Yankee in Meme Lord's Court - Talks with TenEight Memes
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
In the land of social media, meme pages exist as the light and laughter in an otherwise dark and depressing world filled with negativity. Ten Eight Memes is no exception. Scrolling through my feed, I rarely come across one of Ten Eight's memes without thinking "Oh good, someone else knows exactly what that's like!" Today, I got to talk with Ten Eight Memes about his life and work and overall philosophy of the job as a fellow millennial cop.
Follow @teneight_memes and support his podcast!

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Allergic to Gunfire - The Scott Tipton Story
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
"Are you allergic to anything?" The doctor asked, hovering over Scott as they raced down the hospital hallway. The harsh white lights of the ER passed over Scott like a film reel.
"Yeah," Scott groaned, "bullets."
In July of 2000, Scott Tipton responded to a DV call for service. Some deadbeat was stalking his girlfriend who had just broken up with him. When Scott confronted him, he was met with five .45ACP rounds from a Sig Sauer P220. A sixth plowed into the pavement inches from his head. Scott returned fire, and the suspect ultimately died of his wounds. Today, I was fortunate to sit down with Scott and speak with him about the day that has been seared into his memory, as well as the lasting impact it has had on his life. I am forever thankful to meet and speak with amazing individuals like Scott.
This episode's non-profit shoutout goes to the Hunter7 Foundation which is working to raise awareness of the horrific diseases and cancers our troops are coming home with due to burn pit exposures.
On a more personal note, this episode is dedicated to my second-cousin, Les Newman, who passed away in England at the age of 94.

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Dave Norman and TruKinetics
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
On today's episode, I enjoy some damn fine bourbon with Dave Norman, the owner and lead instructor for TruKinetics. Dave spent 23 years with the Phoenix Police Department where he worked patrol, fugitive apprehension (FAID) and spent 13 years honing his skills as a SWAT operator. Dave and I talk about the job, experiences, and his training philosophy.
Find Dave on Instagram @Trukinetics or online at www.trukinetics.com.
Shout out again to the 100 Club of Arizona for being an excellent resource for our officers injured or killed in the line of duty. Dave also wanted to bring attention to the stellar work of the Phoenix Children's Hospital and their tireless efforts to move mountains for the kids in this city.

Friday Jul 09, 2021
LAPD Detective Moses Castillo (ret.)
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with retired LAPD Detective Moses Castillo today. Moses and I discussed his time with the LAPD which included eight years in patrol and a short stint with CRASH. Moses' time with the LAPD was primarily spent as a detective investigating sexually motivated crimes and crimes against children, to include child homicide. Moses also helps me understand the frustrations officers are having with Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon and LAPD Chief Moore.
Find out more at DetectiveMoses.com and listen to Moses on his podcast, The Blue Line, on KABC AM790 or on podcasting sites. Moses can also be found on Instagram @detectivemosescastillo
Today's non-profit shout out goes to The Wounded Blue, an organization which strives to help wounded officers. Find out more at TheWoundedBlue.org or on Instagram @thewoundedblue

Friday May 14, 2021
Jason Schecterle - The Phoenix
Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
I had the good fortune of sitting down with Jason Schecterle in April to discuss his life. Growing up in Phoenix, I was very familiar with Jason's story. Jason survived being rear-ended in his patrol car at over 100 miles per hour. Jason's car caught on fire, and caused 3rd and 4th degree burns to over 40% of his body.
Jason not only survived the horrific collision, but returned to work as a homicide detective with Phoenix Police Department. Jason is now a motivation speaker, and a co-host of the Badge Boys podcast on Star Worldwide Networks.